The term computer graphics programming must be broke down to be understood completely. We all have a good understanding of computer- what it is, what it does-and how to use it somewhat efficiently. This article is not going to get into this aspect; the topic is broad and would fill a book.
Instead this article will focus on the graphics part of the title. We will leave the programming for another article as wellÂ-again the topic is broad and requires more space than the one page this article is allowed.
According to Wikipedia, computer graphics is also a broad subject, which can describe anything “on computers that is not text or sound”. So we can deduce: graphics are images. It gets more interesting though, when we look at the many ways in which images are captured and created. So, as we move into this topic, it becomes evident that graphics are not simply pictures or images themselves, but it is also a term used to encapsulate how these images are manipulated.
Today computer graphics programming is more popular than ever.
The field of study for computer graphics is sky rocketing. As our culture zooms forward into the 21st Century with new technology appearing almost daily and existing technology improving exponentially, we find ourselves enmeshed in a graphic society. Our movies are more graphically animated than ever before in history-not only because it entrances the viewer but because technology makes it so easy.
In the movie industry we might be familiar with the term “CG”. This stands for Computer Generated. This technology allows the ability to create nearly any fantasy scene we can dream up. Movies like 300 create well over 70% of the imagery with computer generated imagery. Interestingly enough, not everyone can even tell the difference. How many of you thought the scenery, or other CG aspects, were real when you saw this movie?
Computer graphic programming exciting
The amazing part of computer graphics is- whatever you can conceive in your imagination, you can likely get it on the computer. There are many programs out there which enable the user to do different things with imagery. Adobe’s Photoshop is probably one of the most well known and popular programs for manipulating photos. This program specifically manipulates pixels, the smallest component making up the image of a photograph. Programs such as this one allow us to wipe pimples off our face, get rid of double chins and even cinch our waistlines to produce more attractive results.
This is just the beginning of what is possible with graphics. Look for other articles on computer graphic programming to learn more about graphic potential and the fun things we can achieve with grap