Is Using a Computer Monitoring Program Ethical? This Will Help You to Decide

Would you consider using a computer monitoring program to keep track of what your partner or spouse is doing?

I mean, do you think it is ethical to secretly install a program that records everything your partner does without their knowledge?

After reading this article it will be clear to you whether it is ethical or not.

Pros for Using a Computer Monitoring Program

Discover Cheating – If your partner is cheating, chances are they will use the computer routinely to communicate with their lover. When they do, you will be watching!

Prevent Infidelity – If your partner is exploring the possibility of cheating, by exposing his activities before it’s too late, it will give you options in your relationship that you may not have if you don’t curtail their activities in time.

Preventing a STD – If your partner cheats on you and you discover it, you may decide to leave them but if they give you a sexually transmitted disease your quality of life may never be the same. How important is that to you?

Learning The Quality of the Person You Are With – Despite your original intentions of discovering cheating, recording the activity of your partner may give you a clear picture of what type of person they are. Future decisions concerning your relationship may be based on your discoveries!

Cons for Monitoring Your Partner’s Computer

Proving Their Fidelity – We all go through periods of vulnerability and in some cases the monitoring of your partner’s computer may reveal that they are not cheating after all. In this case, I am pretty sure the cost of the software is well worth the findings.

Getting Busted – If your partner is very tech savvy, there is a chance that they will discover the computer monitoring software operating covertly. While the average spouse or partner will never know where to look, there is always this possibility.

The above Pros and Cons are just to name a few on both sides of the coin. For some it will be clear that using a computer monitoring program is ethical while others will shy away from such tactics.

The choice will always be yours. Keep reading for more details on

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